Monday, November 10, 2008

The Sun Comes Out

Last night I had a revelation: I've been through this before and I know how to deal with it.

I also realized that I have a duty to Adam and my daughter to do my best and not give up.
Through the therapy I've already had, I've learned the tools to deal with this. I just needed to remember them and use them.

So here are my new commandments, or How to Beat Anxiety/Depression:

1. DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING! Doing nothing only makes you feel worse.
2. Read scriptures and pray every day.
3. Feelings aren't fact! Remind yourself that the bad thoughts/feelings you have aren't true. Don't believe Satan's lies.
4. Exercise.

Thanks so much for your comments, guys. I hope I didn't freak anyone out. So here's proof, courtesy of our brand-spankin' new iMac, (which I'm shocked Adam hasn't blogged about yet) that i'm feeling better.

(Please ignore the unmentionables hanging in the background.)


Joshua said...

ooooh an iMac! iMjealous. iThink we should iChat.

vdg family said...

Emily: If you ever need anything give me a call. You are a great mother and everyone that knows and loves you is proud of all you are doing.:) I love your pictures and descriptions.