Friday, July 23, 2010

Ten Years

"Near the blue Ontario's waters, our Alma Mater dear. . ."

Two weekends ago, while commuting home before a visit to my parents house and to attend my ten year high school reunion, I reflected on where and who I was ten years later. On the subway I wrote:

Thinking about the past opens a sort of flood of emotions and memories. It is now 2010. When I look back at where I've come, I am pleased and slightly amazed. Never, Never, would I have imagined I'd live in Brooklyn and be married with almost four kids and be a decent designer working at a prestigious publishing house. I attribute it all to the Lord and His goodness.

As my wife and I walked to the door the night of the reunion, I was pretty nervous, walking into an unknown: of who I'd see, what they would think, and what we would talk about. Fortunately the night, and the trip overall, went better than I had hoped. I got to catch up with four of the seven friends I had hoped to see, and discovered that people don't change all that much.

The weekend was summer all wrapped into one. I finally got to show Emily the shores of Ontario and have a good salt-free swim. We enjoyed a bonfire, BBQ, and an amazing amateur fireworks display at an old friend's home. Elizabeth got to spend time with Aunt Megan, Gramma, Grampa, and Great Gramma. Emily enjoyed the frigid temperatures of the my parents home, while I got to dig in the dirt with Elizabeth, swing, and climb a tree. Unfortunately we didn't see much of Matt. My brother was busy in the shop working on Pedro (our former car) so that he could take us home to Brooklyn for his last family road trip.

Pedro has moved on to new owners and our family is moving on to new life experiences. But it's good to look back on the miles you've gone and how you've been helped along the way. —Adam

Playing with Great-Grandma
Tim and his wife, Rebecca.

Emily taking a break. We're talking with Sarah, one of Adam's closest friends in HS.

Another old friend, Josh, who runs his own tattoo parlor in Santa Barbara.

The reunion organizer asked Emily to pose sideways.

At Lake Ontario. Elizabeth has such good manners. Look at that pinky.

Daddy and daughter.

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