Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Beginning of the End

Yo mamma's so fat, she doesn't fit her maternity clothes!

Well, we were lucky to get this far, but my days of skipping through the streets of Brooklyn are over for now.

At my appointment yesterday, the ultrasound showed that my cervix had shortened. And when the doc checked me, I was 1.5 cm dilated.

"So this means you're on bed rest," he said without hesitation. I think that's when my eyes started to glaze over.

Just a few minutes before, I had told him that my Braxton Hicks (or "fake") contractions were getting pretty intense. This had prompted him to decide that I was going off Procardia (a heart medicine that is supposed to put off labor) and going onto a new medicine that will be delivered via pump and needle.

"It's the size of a thumbtack. You just put it on your thigh and whack!" He slapped my thigh.

That was when I gave him my crazy stare—where you lower your brows but open your eyes really wide.

"It won't hurt," he assured me.

"Yeah right!" I shot back.

Somehow, this pump thing is accompanied by a monitor that I will have to use twice a day to check for contractions. The Fed Ex package arrived this morning. It's been shoved out of sight into a corner. I'll let the nurse who's coming to show me how to use it open it.

So after the announcement that I will have to start daily torture treatments, and that I would now be confined to my bed/couch for the rest of eternity (or until the babies come,) I was feeling a little . . . freaked OUT. "Hey! Somebody make this lady smile!" the doctor joked to the nurses. Har. Freakin. Har.

Thankfully, Kim is still here and staying until Saturday night. She's already stepped up her game, cooking dinner all by herself and making sure I'm watered and fed. Then, my mom comes Monday afternoon and she'll be with us for about four weeks. So these babies will have a four-week window to make their appearance, graduate out of the NICU, come home, get on a schedule, and start sleeping through the night. That's not too much to ask, right?

I'm cautiously optimistic about their development. So far, they're all three growing at about the same rate. The ultrasound showed them at 4 lbs and change, but of course it's a very rough estimate. Still, we're praying they'll make it to as close as 5 lbs as possible. We shall see.

So if any of you have been meaning to call and catch up, I'm TOTALLY AVAILABLE and most likely dying of boredom. How's that for subtle?


Annie said...

You better rent some really good (and really long) miniseries to watch.

Good luck! I hope the time passes very quickly.

Brad and Erica said...

I tried to make the most of bedrest by thinking of all the things I could do that I would feel too lazy to do otherwise. You know, sit and read for hours, take up crochet, watch movies, basically act like a 90 year old invalid. You're doing great, and your babies will thank you for that sacrifices you are making to keep them in there. Good luck - we're thinking of you! (Oh, and I remember that moment when my maternity clothes got too small. Sad, sad day. :-))

Lindsay said...

Can you pencil me in for a visit on Friday? I plan to come bearing ice cream and good company, since you won't get to come to Coldstone on Thursday. And of course, if you need me before then, you know where to find me. Hang in there! It might only be the beginning of the end, but it also means it's all almost over.

Marsie Pants said...

I love you! You crack me up. I wish I could give some words of advice/encouragement, but I'm not sure what to say. Yeah! Four weeks to get on a schedule! You can do it!! How's that?

vdg family said...

Oh Emily! You are a trooper!

Melanie said...

Lol Maury!!

Emily, you make me laugh! I loved this post. I am amazed and inspired by you. I wish I lived closer so I could come and cook and help babysit. It sounds like you have a lot of support. That is so wonderful. You are going to be awesome at this. I know it will be overwhelming once the babies are here but at least you won't be pregnant anymore. You've already gone through more than most of us can imagine. You're amazing. I'll have to call you.

Kelly said...

So if me and my whole gang stopped by, would that be too much? I don't want to add stress. I can always wait til after they're born. You won't need bumbos right away!

GR82BAMOM said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers. You're almost there! Can't wait to see you with those babies in your arms.