Thursday, July 8, 2010

Peter, James, and Joan?

Whoa Nelly! That's some belly!

Well I'm 27 1/2 weeks and the triplets are doing great. "Perfect" is the word my doctor used today. The two boys are 2 lbs 5 oz, and little Miss Piggy is 2 lbs 13 oz! So yes that's almost 7 pounds of baby inside me and I still have two months to go. In fact, the doctor said that since everything is going so well, he doesn't see why I won't make it to 36 weeks. Hooray! Oh, wait . . .

But all joking aside, I'm really grateful how well things are going. No shortening of the cervix. No bed rest. No hypertension. None of the manifold complications that are so common to multiple pregnancy. I do admit that at times, I almost wish I would be put on bed rest. Especially when it's as hot as it has been and my energy seems to drain away with every drop of sweat. But heat waves aside, I really don't have much to complain about.

So what about names? We actually sat down and made a list, with Kim's help. She looked up names on the Social Security website (mostly around the turn of the century) and we gave our thumbs up or down. We have a good list now, though Adam still stubbornly refuses to accept Dorothy. Grandma names are cool! So the debate goes on.

In the meantime, they're holding their own World Cup inside me. (I suspect a goal is scored every time they make me run to the bathroom.) And Baby A, the farthest one down, is doing his very best to break my pelvic bone. The little dears . . .


vdg family said...


You are doing amazing! You are in our prayers!

Kelly said...

Yay for good news! I'm happy to hear things are going well, health wise. Sorry you're so uncomfortable!

El never gave the ok for Daisy. I just got tired of debating.

Marsie Pants said...

You look GREAT!!! I can't believe you're still standing. I think I'd be dead by now. You're my hero. Good luck with the names!

ProudGma said...

The look on your face is priceless! And, by the way, your math-teacher mom can't keep from correcting you - last time I checked, 6 lbs, 18 oz = 7 lbs, 2 oz, the exact weight of your sister at birth.

Deja said...

Congrats on the healthiness! That is amazing. And you seriously look great. Hang in there!

Lindsay said...

I'm SO GLAD things are going so well! Hooray!

Annie said...

You really look great! What a blessing to have no complications!

Frau Magister said...

Wait, so you're not naming the triplets after New York boroughs/neighborhoods?