Monday, December 20, 2010


Name: Charles Adam Johnson
Aliases: Charlie, Charlie (UK), Chuck E Cheese, The Urinator
Birth Order: First
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Outstanding Talent: Impersonating Arnold Schwarzenegger
Looks Like: Mommy, a Davis
Mom Sings to Me: Let's Hear it for the Boy
Named for/Inspired by: Adam's Grandpa, Luis Charles Bodigoi; Emily's Great-Grandpa, Thomas Charles Davis; and this Charlie

I don't know why, but I was worried about having boys. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to bond with them as easily, or love them as freely as I did Elizabeth. I was worried about all the nasty that comes with boys, from cradle through adolescence (and maybe goes away by the time they get off their mission. Maybe.) But all my doubts quickly disappeared the day Charlie was born, as I held him in my arms and fell madly in love. I looked over at my mom and asked how I could ever have thought I would have trouble loving my little boy.

From the get-go, Charlie has been the easiest baby. He was the best nurser. He consistently eats the best (though not the fastest.) He is being treated for reflux, but his is the mildest case by far. He sleeps the best. If I had three Charlies, life would be much easier (though not as interesting, of course.) But he also cries the loudest and often sounds, as his father always points out, like a certain governor of Austrian decent.

Charlie is also the most talkative. He will sit and coo at anything and everything with no prompting.

He was born with an awesomely full head of hair, but sadly it has been thinning. I hope he keeps his dark color, just like Daddy.

Some people say his nose is big. *coughAdamcough* I don't care. He's perfect.


Marsie Pants said...


Rosalee said...

He's adorable! His nose is perfect. I love that he was partially named after Charlie - the finger biter. Little boys are amazing aren't they? I feel so overwhelmed sometimes as I look to the future and think of my two little boys as missionaries. I worry that I won't be able to prepare them. But then I remember to take it one day at a time. Keep going, Emily! You are amazing!

Annie said...

He's sweet. And I love the name!

Sarah said...

So I don't know why, but evidently I did not read all the way through the last time I looked at your blog. I guess I haven't kept up very well at all.

#1- I live for the day after Thanksgiving. Seriously.

#2- Elizabeth- lol! I like to share with myself too.

#3- What a cute and adorable little Lucy. Love the cheeks! Her chubs and red hair remind me of my gracie girl!

#4- Charlie's disposition and loudness also remind me of my gracie girl!

#5- Love the pic of all of you in New York. Looks like fun!

#6- Love you all to death- and think about you often!

Scott and Katy Adams said...

What a sweetie! There is nothing like the bond between mom and her boy. He is definitely a Davis, and so lucky to have you for his mom!