Friday, August 20, 2010


The c-section has been scheduled for September 3rd.

That's in two weeks.

What was it I learned from my Hitchhiker's Guide?

Oh yeah. DON'T PANIC!

P.S. My camera wasn't working, but friends have pictures of the baby shower here and here. It was awesome.


Disco Mom said...

Whoa. It's freaky enough just knowing exactly when your pregnancy will be over. I can't imagine multiplied by three.

So. Since you will have your hands overflowingly full when they come, would you consider doing an faq post all about triplets now while you kinda sorta have time? Like what is the post partum plan for taking care of them and surviving and their names (if you're not sharing, prewrite it to post after they come - how you chose them, etc.) I am full to the brim with curiosity about everything regarding how you are going to do this! I hope that comes out OK.

vdg family said...

We'll be there for you! :D

GR82BAMOM said...

So excited for you guys! You can do this! You are in our thoughts and prayers.