Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What the . . .?

Yes, yes, we will have another post about Elizabeth soon, but until then, a quick rant by Emily.

I have recently been receiving issues of Women's Health magazine. How or why I am getting these is beyond me. (Maybe one of you is sending me a subtle hint that I need to get back in shape?) Too bad they're not sending me National Geographic by mistake. But I digress . . .

What I don't get about these magazines is why they are filled with photos of half-naked woman. It's a
woman's magazine, intended to be read by women! What on earth makes them think that I, as a woman, would be compelled to read an article or purchase a product because it's being hawked by a half-naked woman?! If anything, shouldn't these magazines be filled with half-naked men? How about naked babies? Lots of delicious-looking chocolate cake? Come ON, people!

I guess the idea is that, if I use XYZ product, I'll look like this sexy, skinny woman. But that's pre- supposing that I, the consuming female, would even want to! Walking down the beach with only my bikini bottom on and my breasts flapping in the breeze is not my idea of "alluring." I feel like Amy Poehler in Weekend Update. Really? Are you serious?!?!

Okay. Rant is over. Your thoughts?


Kelly said...


I keep getting random magazines too. hmm??

I really don't think you NEED to get back into shape. You can't even tell you had a baby! I however, have been asked, oh so many times when my due date is. :(

Shane, Meg, CJ, RJ, and AL said...

Thank you Emily for making me laugh this morning. It was needed!

vdg family said...

I agree-----PL-LEASE people, think about this! :) You look a-mazing!