Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Welcome to the Neighborhood, Part 2

Adam and I did a google maps search of our street, just for kicks. When we saw the street view, it made us laugh out loud and shake our heads.

It figures that the one time the Google van or whatever it is drives by, our neighbors are captured doing what they do all day, every day in nice weather: sitting on their stoop.

We started looking for our car, just in case it was parked on our street. We couldn't believe when we found it. Can't miss those Utah plates. Since we changed our plates in November of 2007, but moved in in October, this picture must have been taken in just a small window of time. Crazy, huh? Talk about Big Brother watching...

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

That is so funny! Do I see Pikachu in the back window?