Friday, February 22, 2008

HAL™ is a pal

The other night we checked out 2001: A Space Odessey from the library. I hadn't ever seen it. Despite that we watched it on our crummy tv, it was a great film. I guess at times I was bored and complained about the music trying to carry everything, but I assume the experience would have been more impressive in the theatre. The best part of the story for me was the part with HAL. Emily felt a lot of sympathy for him, but I had other opinions. After that part it got a little too freaky, but again, a good film.

1 comment:

Joshua said...

Hmm...maybe I'll consider watching this one now. I think deep down I've always wanted to. Tonight we checked our Amadeus from the library. It was really good. However, I kind of ruined it a came on a double sided DVD...yes, we watched the last hour first and the first 2 hours last. Whoops! P.S. Beware of the beginning in the crazy house...naked men. Mozart had a wee potty mouth too.