Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's a Boy! . . .

And a boy! And a girl!

This week, I had yet another appointment with the perinatologist. They did an ultrasound to check for Downs and while she was doing it, the sonographer asked if I wanted to know the gender of the babies. Still too early to be 100% sure, she said, but I didn't mind. (Time to start rounding up hand-me downs!)

As I lay there watching the grainy images of my babies morph and slide in an out of view, and listened to her as she told me each one was healthy, it suddenly hit me: these are
my babies. I was overcome with gratitude. They're healthy. They're growing. They have two hands and two feet. What have I been so upset about? This is a miracle! Three babies!

I did start to get a little nervous, however, when one and then another baby were declared to be boys. But the third, the one resting right on top, is a girl. Bless her tiny heart.

So now the clothing gathering begins and also the name game. We've already had a vote for Bashful, Sneezy, and Dopey from my nephew. I'm leaning more towards . . .

What do you think?


Sarah said...

Wow! Yay! Yay! Yay! I am so happy for you both! You get the best of both worlds. I am so excited for you guys! What wonderful news! I want to just SEE your family. Everyone all together. I hope we are all able to see eachother again... in the not TOO distant future. Congratulations!

Brad and Erica said...

I know I said this on facebook already, but CONGRATULATIONS! I personally liked the Huey, Duey, and perhaps Louis-a theme of the last blog, as far as names go. Good luck with that. Brad and I stress about picking names, and having to come up with two was hard enough. You are a wonderful mother; so glad the babies are all healthy!

Erika Hill said...

Brent votes for Yakko, Wakko, and Dot.

GR82BAMOM said...

So glad to know the the babies and you are healthy. We are so happy for you!

Deja said...

Wow. Finding out the genders of three babies is triple the fun! Congrats. They will be lovely/dashing/smart.

RJ said...

That's so cool! I've heard that each babe having their own placenta is the safest way to have multiples and THEN I read recently about research that shows that when there was at least one girl in the womb of a multiple birth the babes stayed in longer and were overall healthier. I'll have to try to find it for you, I can't remember the specifics, but I do remember them saying they think it's something to do with the girl hormones' influence. WHich led me to say that YES, even in utero girls are already nurturing and also this ties the knot in my other very scientific theory that in every and all ways, GIRLZ RULE! :)

Lindsay said...

Whether or not they end up on their birth certificates, I get the feeling that there will be days when you'll want to call them Wacko, Yacko, and Dot anyway. :)

Marshall said...


Aoide, Melete, and Mneme