Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Stir Crazy

Being indoors so much has made us a little desperate for entertainment. Efforts to fend off cabin fever include:

1. An attempt to style Elizabeth's "hair." Sad, I know.

2. Taking Glamour Shots of Elizabeth to send to a modeling agency. (Cuz you KNOW they're totally going to email me back.)

3. An trip outside to "play" in the snow. (Meaning, watch Elizabeth walk back and forth in the snow. Whoopee!)

Snow pants courtesy of Grandma Giovo Gifts, Inc. Cheesy closed-eye smile by Elizabeth. All Rights Reserved.

4. Ruminating on the meaning of life while contemplating the delicate intricacies of a single snowflake.

5. The most bizarre, though, is this weird bird-walk Elizabeth has started doing. She likes to run like this, with her head tilted back and the biggest, cheesiest smile on her face. Cracks me up. And sometimes, we do it together.

Spring, please come. Before we lose it completely!


Lindsay said...

Elizabeth cracks me up! Her personality has EXPLODED lately. After Garrett and I watched your video, he started trying to imitate Elizabeth's bird walk. Only he couldn't quite do it and ended up spinning around in circles instead.

I hear you, though. Winter is getting to me. It's a combination of cold weather + no car + two small children with different scheduling needs. When I'm not going nuts, I'm getting depressed. Gah!

(But, on the bright side, I got to check out Disc 2 of #1 Ladies' Detective Agency at the library today, so if you want to come watch me.)

Kelly said...

We're so going stir crazy, not that I have any place to go... Thank goodness the girls have school.

Elizabeth is so darn cute! She's getting so big!

Joshua said...

Wow, I love that bird run. Reminds me of "Kevin" on "Up". Elizabeth has got the perfect little face!

Marsie Pants said...

She's so cute! I love this age...

the jensen's said...

That is one awesome walk!

Proud Gma said...

Being able to style her hair presupposes that she HAS hair. On the other hand, I want to hire her immediately as the cutest granddaughter ever!

GR82BAMOM said...

It's such a fun age and it all goes too quickly. Enjoy every minute!